Be on the page of the latest models of electronic cigarette! Among so many brands, each category of smoker has a distinct formula. The electronic cigarette tube, the e-cig pod and disposable e-cig designed for lovers of evaporation. But with the e-cigBox Mod, experts will be entitled to a very special model. To find it easily, you can shop online. This also allows you to make the choice, visiting several shops without moving. sellers can also help you choose the box mod that suits you. All you have to do is choose the right shop.

The different types of electronic cigarettes Box Mod

In square or rectangle and compact format, you have to choose the right box mod for your needs. A model of electronic cigarette very atypical, its form but also its function. The cigarette having a function that can be modified with a battery as a power supply, the term "mod". This evolution is divided into three categories of ranges: Box mod electronic cigarette, mechanical and the Bottom Feeder model. The box mod model is intended for smokers who already have experience on other models, as the product is very difficult to handle for amateurs. With this range of electronic cigarette, the springboard into the community is allowed. Thus, the smoker of the cigarette box mod can easily integrate the crowd without spreading toxic fumes.

The family of the electronic cigarette Box Mod

With the electronic Box mod, you have an advantage in the design and display of the various parameters. The battery power, the capacity and the vape mode, then the vape intensity you wish to adopt. Very easy to use, the modification is done from a display. On the other hand, the cigarette box mod mechanical, not adjustable, however, prevents its users from overheating and short circuiting. With an accumulator used to hold the battery, the device holds up to several hours. Several prototypes have several integrated batteries, with two or three accumulators for the performance of the box mod. These models also allow you to avoid unpleasant odours on your clothes and breath, and are healthier than cigarette rods.

A new fashion accessory for men

Being a model more advanced than the classic, the box mod electronic cigarette helps to regulate the tension of nicotine and temperature. The owner has a freedom of vape even in public places, or in the office, because the electronic device does not diffuse any chemical elements and a low nicotine rate. On the other hand, the use of the box mod prohibits the return of chemical cigarettes. Because this can again cause a dependency on the classic rod. Thus, it is necessary to privilege the purchase box mod to the major brands for the quality of electronic cigarettes.